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Stories from Consumers
Within three weeks of starting on stem cell nutrition, I noticed a definite improvement in my breathing. I could walk much farther without stopping to rest.
Lawrence ACustomer
I was diagnosed with M.S. 7 years ago. Now, with stem cell nutrition, my fatigue is lessening and my memory is beginning to get better. I sleep well and wake clear headed
Christi HCustomer
I had heart, prostate and bladder problems each requiring an operation. I so am grateful to have found these products at a critical stage with my health. I no longer need the operations and have been given a new lease of life
I endured a serious fire burn on 50% of my face which was absolutely traumatic. I have no physical or emotional scarring, which I believe is due to increasing my Stem Cell Nutritional products for a surprisingly short healing period of 6 weeks… This shocked all the Doctors & team at the Brisbane Burns clinic.
Jane HCerule IBO
I am 75. Recently I started an exercise program and even though I push the limits, I have no soreness or stiffness in my arms, shoulders or legs.
Lawrence ACustomer
I had RSI in my wrists—I started taking Stem Cell Nutrition. it took 3 months to be pain free and by a year later it felt like I had a new set of hands.
Linda HCerule IBO
Jacob is Autistic & has a very low immune system. He has been admitted to hospital including the ICU countless times for Bronchiolitis and Asthma, and febrile seizures… so as soon we hear a cough or see any sign of a runny nose we’re on high alert. He was sick last week for 1 DAY with just cough and lung tonic and Stem Cell nutrition. I still can’t believe it
SammyJacob's Mum and Cerule IBO
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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.